Data Protection
As a consequence of browsing this page and filling in the forms contained therein, the user accepts that the personal data submitted by him/her or to be submitted in the future through the referred service, are subject to processing in Quinta dos Abibes personal data files, including the collection of access data and the use of cookies and functions provided by third parties.
Purpose of processing, legal basis and recipients of the information
The data is used for:
- Allow this page to function;
- To register and respond to requests made by users through the forms on this page (contact, etc);
- Elaborate analyses of this page and statistics;
- Include functions offered by third parties (Google Maps, etc).
Navigation on this page:
Purpose: data necessary for the provision of online services is processed, including the logging of IP addresses, pages visited and date of access, as well as information about the user’s terminal. The data is also processed for security purposes and for improving this website;
Legitimation: the processing of data is necessary for the provision of online services through consent, expressed through the use of this page;
Recipients and transfers: Quinta dos Abibes, web hosting companies.
Use of the forms on this page:
Purpose: to respond to requests made through the forms on this page;
Legitimation: express consent by using and submitting the form;
Recipients and transfers: Quinta dos Abibes and companies involved in the provision of the services requested.
Provision of services:
Purpose: to provide the services it proposes;
Send information by e-mail about the services;
Legitimation: execution of the contract or provision of the service;
Recipients and transfers: Quinta dos Abibes and companies involved in the provision of the services requested;
Data Analysis:
Purpose: to learn how this website is searched for, accessed and used by the public. They may involve the collection of personal data such as IP address, connection location, information on browsing software or hardware, etc;
Legitimation: consent, expressed through the use of this page;
Recipients and transfers: Quinta dos Abibes.
Functions submitted by third parties
Purpose: includes functions provided by third parties, such as maps, analytics, social media buttons, chat tools, etc;
Legitimation: consent, expressed through the use of this page;
Recipients and downloads: Third-party functions establish a direct link between the user’s browser and third-party internet domains, allowing the functionality to be downloaded and executed, including from pages outside the European Economic Area;
This site integrates functions of Google Inc, such as Google Analytics and Google Maps. By using this site, you consent to the processing of your data by Google, as set out in its privacy policy:
Veracity of the data
The user must fill in the forms with true, accurate, complete and up-to-date data. The user shall be solely liable for any damage or harm, direct or indirect, that may be caused to any person as a result of filling in the form with data relating to a third party.
Rights of access, rectification, suppression, opposition and others
The data subject has the right at any time to access, rectify and delete the data concerning him/her, as well as to oppose the processing of his/her data under the terms of the data protection legislation. They also have the right to request: the portability of their data, the revocation of the consent given, in their case, and the limitation of processing.
The owner of the data can exercise these rights by sending an e-mail to the Quinta dos Abibes.
The requester must include this signed communication request indicating the action requested and a copy of the ID or passport. The owner of the data can also oppose the reception of commercial e-mail, for this purpose he/she only has to request it by means of an e-mail sent from the address he/she wishes to unsubscribe and direct it to Quinta dos Abibes.
If the data subject considers that the processing of his or her data infringes data protection legislation, he or she may lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authorities.
Data security
This page uses one of the most secure technologies in terms of data protection in compliance with all international standards governing the subject. All pages where we request confidential information use the SSL communication protocol. This means that the information travelling over the Internet from your computer to our server is encrypted, making it indecipherable by anyone outside. This technology ensures and guarantees that your data cannot be intercepted, manipulated or supplanted in any way.
What does SSL mean?
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a standard Internet security technology. It applies a system of encryption (encoding) that provides maximum confidentiality of the data transmitted to us. This prevents unlawful entry or interception of a system while data is circulating on the Internet.